Japon Porselenleri/Japanese Porcelain







Satsuma Kinkozan yapımı şişe formlu dekoratif vazo 1890-1911 dönemi

Satsuma bottle shaped ornamental vase signed Dai Nihon Kinkozan. Decortation has butterflies on reddish background.

Kinkozan is a family name, with a number of generations very active in pottery manufacture (mainly Satsuma) in Kyoto up until 1927. The family factory was one of the largest decorators and exporters of Satsuma ware and some of its production, especially some of that from c. 1900 - 1915, was of very high quality indeed. However, it also produced large quantities of average or somewhat better than average quality wares as well. "Taisho" is a period of Japanese history, named as such by the Emperor of the day. It corresponds to 1912-1926. This all over floral pattern was quite popular during that period and slightly later (say to 1935, which is the early part of the following "Showa" period). Yükseklik/height:24cm

Bottle signed Kinkozan imzalı Satsuma şişe, 1900-1911

The vase of late Meiji Period, because there are 5 Kyoto Satsuma pieces with a coloured ground (monochrome or dichroic) shown in Sandra's Treasury of Satsuma, 4 of which she dates from 1885 to 1900. And, there is the quality of the painting,is not only restrained and minimal, but also quite good, and not like Taisho at all.there is the extra work involved in the shape - the lip and the recessed band around the base. Then there is the deep cavity in the foot and the broad, square footrim.

Satsuma Kinkozan vase/vazo late Meiji Dönemi/Period

Vazonun altındaki altın yaldızlı imza/signature in gilt on base of the vase: Dai Nihon Satsuma Kinkozan

Satsuma vase/vazo. Signed as Satsuma Kinkozan

Boyun kısmınsaki dekorasyon: Kırmızı zemin üzerine üç ayrı biçim ve renkte kelebek.

Decoration on the neck: On a reddish background there are three different butterflies painted.

Satsuma Kinkozan vazo /Vase, Geç /Late Meiji Dönemi/Period

Boyun kısmından detay.

Detail from the neck to body.

Kinkozan Atölyesi Reklamı, Basil Chamberlain ve W.B. Mason tarafından yazılan Hand Book for Travellers in Japan, adlı kitabın 1903 baskısından.

A Kinkozan advertisement on "Hand Book for Travellers in Japan" by Basil Chamberlain and W.B. Mason in 1903.

Kinkozan Atölyesi Reklamı, Basil Chamberlain ve W.B. Mason tarafından yazılan Hand Book for Travellers in Japan, adlı kitabın 1907 baskısından.

A Kinkozan advertisement on "Hand Book for Travellers in Japan" by Basil Chamberlain and W.B. Mason in 1907, indicating a profound effect on Japanese art in West called Japonisme.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period. Height/yükselik:8.5cm

Gyokuzan is an artistic name of Chin Jukan XII. "...In 1858 Jukan was appointed head of the Government factory at Nawashiro-gawa.But in 1868, when feudalism was abolished, the factory had to be closed. Subsequently it was opened under the auspices of a company; Jukan's services, being still retained as superintendent.Jukan then set up on his own account, assuming the art name Giokozan(Gyokusen)."See:Frank Brinkley,Japan (China), Its History, Art and Literature (Oriental Series), Boston & Tokyo, J.B. Millet Company, 1901-2, 12 vol .Chin Jukan’s Naeshirogawa pottery is located at Miyama in Kagoshima (Kyushu), and was until recently operated by Chin Jukan XIV (1926 - ?). There must be the 15th generation in charge now, according to the info above. Chin Jukan is a Korean name, and these are descendants of one of the Korean potters brought to Kagoshima in c. 1600. The family takes credit for creating White Satsuma (haku ji yaki).

The information has been taken from the Satsuma forum at Gotheborg.com.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period.

Satsuma keramikleri 17.yüzyıldan beri çeşitli formlarda ve dekorasyon özelliklerinde eserler ortaya konan birkaç büyük atölyenin ürünleridir. Bunlar arasında Chin Jukan 17.yüzyılda Kore'den gelerek Japonya'ya keramik sanatının inceliklerini getirmiş bir bir ailenin fertlerinin kuşaklar boyunca kullandığı ortak isimdir ve ailenin XII.kuşağı 19.yüzyıl sonunda bir süre Gyokuzan adını kullanarak Satsuma keramikleri boyamıştır ki bu küçük vazo bu dönemin eserlerindendir.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period.

Boyun kısmında yer alan altın yaldızlı geometrik ve bitkisel bezemeler/geometrical and floral decoration with gilt ornaments in the neck of the vase.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period.

Satsuma vazosu, çokgen formlu, Gyokuzan tarafından resimlenmiştir. Satsuma vase by Gyokuzan,late Meiji Period.

Sanatçının kırmızı ile attığı imzası/Gyokuzan inscription written in red.

Budist Azizi Tasvirli,Kutani Moriage Vazocuk yakl.1940-52/Kutani Moriage small vase with a Budist Arhat figure, c.1940-52,height/yüks.6.3cm

Moriage Japon porselen sanatında sıkça uygulanan bir slip yöntemidir ve çamur sulandırılıp plastik değeri artırılarak yeni motifler elde edilir ve nesneye uygulanarak üç boyutlu bir görünüm alması sağlanır. Burada betimlenen figür Budha tarafından misyonerlik için gönderilen 16 azizden biridir ve özellikle Batı pazarı için üretilen eserlerde sıkça kullanılan bir konudur, bu azizlerin(Arhat) sayısı 16'dan 500'e kadar çıkabilir.

Moriage Slip decoration on Japanese porcelain in look not unlike 'cake frosting' in which a diluted clay has been applied for a three-dimensional effect.The figure depicted here is one of the Buddhist saints (Athat/Lohan) sent by Buddha as missionaries. The theme has been much sought by Western markets and the Japanese produced in high numbers of porcelain objects to satisfy the demand of the Western market from the 2nd half of 19th cent. onwards.

Budist Azizi Tasvirli,Kutani Moriage Vazocuk yakl.1940-52/Kutani Moriage small vase with a Budist Arhat figure, c.1940-52,height/yüks.6.3cm

Budist Azizi Tasvirli,Kutani Moriage Vazocuk yakl.1940-52/Kutani Moriage small vase with a Budist Arhat figure, c.1940-52,height/yüks.6.3cm

Made in Japan markası A.B.D.'nin 1891'de aldığı ithal mallarına çıkış yeri adının yazılması zorunluluğunun ardından önce Nippon daha sonra Japan ve 1940'tan itibaren 1952 yılına dek Made in Japan markasının Japonya'da üretilen nesnelere konulmasına neden olmuştur. Bu marka küçük vazonun tarihlenmesine yaramaktadır bir anlamda.

Marks on export porcelain: In 1891 the McKinley Tariff Act was instated, requiring items imported into the United States to be marked in English with the country of origin. The name "Nippon" was chosen for items coming from Japan. (Nippon is the Japanese name for Japan.) In 1921, the official country of origin name requirement was changed to "Japan", thus creating a defined time period 1891-1921 in which wares were marked Nippon. Previous to 1891, items were either not marked at all, or marked with Japanese characters. During the period 1921-1941 porcelain should be marked "Japan" and roughly after 1941, marked "Made in Japan", though numerous exceptions appears to occurs.

Arita Sosluk yakl. 1970/Arita Sauce bottle c.1970

Yükselik/Height: 9cm

Arita Sosluk yakl. 1970/Arita Sauce bottle c.1970

Arita Sosluk sanatçı imzası/ Arita Sauce bottle artist's signature on the base

Kutani Zencefil Kavanozu yakl.1940-50/ Kutani Ginger Jar c.1940-50


Post war period 1950-1960 , producer Toen (porcelain garden) kiln /陶園

Kutani Ginger Jar

Post war period 1950-1960 , producer Toen (porcelain garden) kiln /陶園

Kutani zencefil kavanozu/Kutani ginger jar. Bambu motifi/bamboo motif on the body of the jar.

Kutani Zencefil Kavanozu İmalat Damgası ve ithalat etiketi / Kutani Ginger Jar seal on the base with the Ucagco sticker



Post war period 1950-1960 , producer Toen (porcelain garden) kiln /陶園

Kutani Toen on the seal is seen.

Reference: http://www.gbouvier.com/