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Step by step cleaning of the L'epée Carriage Clock  with alarm 

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L'epée taşınabilir masa saatinin temizlenme ve bakım aşamalarını

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Alarm Bell
L'Epée Emblem1
L'Epée Emblem2
the factory&its founder

L'Epée Carriage Clock, ca.1899-1910, Paris, France. Abraham Louis Breguet is said to have been the inventor of the carriage clock. Typically, these clocks usually took the form of a metal framed case, glazed on all four sides, and with a carrying handle at the top. During the 19th century and the early 20th century the French were responsible for manufacturing some of the best clock movements in terms of carriage clocks. This model was first introduced to the market in 1895 and named as Doucine. The lines of this clock owe their inspiration to French furniture style of the mid 18th century called "Doucine Louis XV". This carriage clock has white immaculate porcelain dial with Roman numerals, blued steel spade hands, and Roman dials for alarm function. It has stamped Made in France on back plate but no maker's name is visible, but maker's mark crossed swords with ALC initials carved under the regulator. Inside the top and the door is stamped 74 three times.The movement has a cylinder escapement and one of its important features it is a jewelled clock.L'Epée Clock Factory History: In 1777, in the Montbeliard area of France, Frederic Japy established the world's first large-scale clockmaking factory. Several more factories were set up in the area in due course, in imitation of the illustrious pioneer. One of them was the L'Epee workshop that in 1839 began producing movements, escapements and finally complete clocks.The L'Epee factory received prestigious gold awards at various international exhibitions. In Paris in 1889 and 1900, Vienna 1892, Hanoi 1902.

L'Epée imalatı Fransız Taşınabilir Masa Saati yakl. 1899. Taşınabilir saatlerinin mucidinin Abraham Louis Breguet olduğu söylenir.Bu saatler nihai olarak metal kasalı, dört yanda kesme camla kaplı, tepesinde taşıma sapı olan biçimini 19.yüzyıl başlarında almıştır. Taşınabilir özelliklerinden dolayı bu saatler yolculuk esnasında sarsıntılardan etkilenmediklerinden büyük bir ilgiyle karşılanmışlardır. Fransa bütün bir 19.yüzyıl ve 20.yüzılın ilk yarısına kadar bu tür saatlerin en önemli üreticisi olmuştur. Bu saat taşınabilir saatler sınıfındandır, kasasının modeli 1895'te ilk kez piyasaya sürülen ve XV Louis Dönemi mobilyalarından esinlendiği için Doucine adıyla anılır. Saatin kadranı beyaz poselendir, akrep ve yelkovan koyu mavi çeliktendir, Roma rakamlıdır, altta alarm kadranı bulunur onun da rakamları Roma rakamıdır. Silindir eşapmanlıdır.



German Mantle Clock, ca.1920-1930s. Junghans and Kienzle manufactured "German drum" movement clocks between 1920 and 1930s and this clock with its travel case features has a "drum" movement of the period of 20s-30s.

Alman Masa Saati, 1920-1930 civarı. Junghans ve Kienzle 1920-30 yılları arasında "davul mekanizma" denen küçük boyutlu pek çok masa saati üretmiştir. Kasasının seyahat saati özellikleri göstermesi bakımından ilginç bir saattir.


Dial restored
Dial closeup

Ansonia Gingerbread Clock, circa 1890-1910. It is made for the Ottoman Empire. The Ansonia Clock Company was one of the major 19th century American clock manufacturers. It produced millions of clocks in the period between 1850, its year of incorporation, and 1929, the year the company went into receivership and sold its remaining assets to Soviet Russia.For more please see: http://www.antiqueansoniaclocks.com .

Ansonia Gingerbread Duvar Saati, yaklaşık 1890-1910. Kadran Osmanlı rakamlarına sahiptir. Ansonia Clock Company 19.yüzyılda Amerikan saat üreticilerinin en büyüklerinden biridir. 1859-1929 yılları arasında milyonlarca saat üretmiştir. 1929 yılında fabrika Sovyetler Birliği'ne satılmıştır. Kaynak: http://www.antiqueansoniaclocks.com   



Inscription on the movement
Date of manufacture
Case manufacture date
Model name

Smiths bracket clock, 1955. Case made in 1956, the movement made in 1955. In 1931 Smiths, then called S Smith and Sons (motor accessories) Ltd., decided to enter the domestic clock market and formed a new company, Smiths English Clocks Ltd., as the Clock and Watch division of S Smith & Sons (Motor Accessories) Ltd. with Cricklewood as the main factory. They gradually assimilated many other clock makers, including Enfield (in 1934). Smiths ceased to produce clocks for the domestic market in 1979. For further information please see: http://www.smiths-clocks.co.uk/index.htm.

Smiths Masa Saati 1955. Pandüllü, yarım ve saat başlarında gong çalar, meşe kasalı, mekanizması taşlı, meşe kasalıdır. It has a pendulum, movement is jewelled, chimes at half and hours, light oak cased. Smiths firması saat yapımcılığına 1931'de girmiş, Enfield gibi rakip üreticileri bünyesine alarak büyümüş ve 1979 yılına dek İngiltere'nin önde gelen saat üreticilerinden biri olmuştur. Daha detaylı bilgi için lütfen şu adresi ziyaret ediniz: http://www.smiths-clocks.co.uk/index.htm.


Old advertisement

Junghans Carriage Clock with Alarm. According to the book named "Wecker" by Richard Mühe, H. Kahlert and B. Techen, this clock first manufactured in 1927, with oval hour ring and paper dial with fancy hands. On the movement, the back plate inscribed Wrüttemberg indicated the clock made in Wrüttemberg factory. The alarm was removed from the movement and the clock functions only for calculating the time.

Junghans Masa Saati 1927. Wecker adlı ve Richard Mühle, H. Kahlert and B. Techen tarafından yazılan kitapta bu saatin ilk defa 1927 yılında imal edildiği yazar. Mekanizma üzerindeki yazıdan Wrüttemberg fabrikasında yapıldığı anlaşılan saa kağıt kadrana sahiptir ve saat rakamları oval bir halka şeklinde tasarlanmıştır.


Dial closeup
Movement illustration& calibre

Junghans Small Alarm Clock. Movement is of high quality breguet balance wheel and hair spring taken from the technology of the day's pocket watches to obtain the accuracy. It has an enamel dial with typical arabic numerals and hands to 1910-20s and these elements once were luminious. The case is in cubic form and made of steel and with many features of carriage clocks. Junghans produced this movement in 1927 which is helpful to date the clock's manufacturing date. The dimension is striking the clock is only 5 cm high excluding the lid. From the book "Wecker" by Richard Mühe, H. Kahlert and B. Techen, publ. Callwey, Munich 1991, on the page 160 illustrates the movement and the date of manufacture and describes it as a high quality movement with many features borrowed from poocket watches to obtain accuracy.

Junghans Alarmlı Taşınabilir Küçük Masa saati. 1927 yapımı yüksek kaliteli J 18 kalibre mekanizmalı bir saattir. Mekanizma breguet balansına sahiptir ve bu özelliğiyle dönemin cep saatlerinden gelen özelliklerin masa saatlerine aktarlışının gösterir. Kübik formlu, çelik kasalı, mine kadranlı ve bir zamanlar aktif olan fosforlu akrep-yelkovanlı bir masa saatidir. Boyutları açısından da ilgi çekicidir, 5cm yüksekliğindedir.




French bracket clock with alarm circa 1919. Enamel dial. Copper case and brass movement with anchor escapement. Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.2 x 3.5 cm.

Fransız alarmlı masa saati yakl. 1919. Mine kadranlı, bakır kasalıdır. Mekanizma pirinçtir ve çapa eşapmanlıdır. 6.3x4.2x3.5cm ölçülerindedir. 


Movement pre servicing
Movement post servicing1
Movement post servicing2
Movement post servicing3
Movement post servicing4
Makers mark

German Table Clock 1930s. German drum movement and EAE makers mark engraved on the lower plate. Paper dial with cracks.

Alman Masa Saati, 1930lar. Alman davul formlu mekanizmaya ve EAE imalatçı damgasına sahiptir.  


Dial closeup

Anton Schneider Cuckoo Clock, 1990s. The company of A. Schneider has been established in Black Forrest, 1848 and today is the leading manufacturer of famous cuckoo clock cases in Germany. The clock is a one day clock with 70 x 22cm dimensions. The movement is a 25-hour REGULA movement.



Side view
Arrow emblem

Brass carriage alarm clock, possibly made by Drocourt 1880-1890s.

A French carriage alarm clock made of brass. Dial: enamel, roman numerals and arabic outer minute chapters. Movement runs with a small swinging pendulum. The clock and its alarm function wound from the back. Similar clocks were manufactured in  from mid 19th century to early 20th century. France and Germany were the main manufacturers of these clocks. The arrow on the dial is not the only indicator of alarm lever rotation but Drocourt's emblem as well as their D.C. initials. The movement bears no trademark.

Pierre & Alfred Drocourt were one of the top maker's of carriage clocks in the mid to late Victorian period, having a factory at Saint-Nicolas-d'Ailermont, the most important town for carriage clock manufacture at the time, as well as premises in Paris at Rue Debelleyme 28 and Rue de Limoges. They made superb carriage clocks which were mainly decorative and were awarded numerous medals at exhibitions, such as the Bronze Medal at Paris 1867, the Silver at Paris 1878 and the gold at Paris in 1889. The son, Alfred, succeeded his father Pierre sometime in the 1870's. Click here for Reference





Wooden cased alarm clock made by Mauthe Clock Company, Schwenningen, Germany, early 1920s.

The clock has a solid wooden case in Art Deco style. Dial: Painted thin. Arabic numerals and above six o'clock alarm dial with FMS emblem with an eagle on top. Movement: Brass plates and brass wheels. Balance wheel and hairspring driven clock runs at least 40 hours once it is wound. Winding levers and a stop mechanism have been placed on the back of the clock.

Mauthe Clock Company was one of the biggest and important manufacturer in Germany. Friedrich Mauthe started a small clock factory in Schwenningen in 1870 and by 1899 the firm was also making its own cases. It is said that just before the war, 60% of all the German made clocks the UK imported were made by Mauthe. In the 1950's they produced a motor rewound battery electric clock movement which was used in Metamec clocks. The factory ceased production in 1976.

Click here for more information and reference.









• Movement •

Mauthe Navyblue Alarm Clock , 1936

On 7 January 2009, I bought this alarm clock by Mauthe as a new old stock. It was never used when I bought it. It is listed in the Mauthe clock catalogue of 1936. Model numer is 70/6. The dial is double sunken white dial with arabic chapters and church style hands with radium paint. Mauthe logo is placed on the alarm dial which is under 12. The movement is gilt brass and in very new and immaculate condition. It has its original label as well as its original box. Please click here to see: the original label, box, information and image in the 1936 catalog and back view. Special thanks to Mr. D. Stevenson for the catalog image of the clock in 1936-7.









Movement detail



The brand IMHOF has been created by Arhur Imhof S.A. in La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland. I do not know when this clock making company started to operate, but in the turn of the 20th century may be the tentative date of its beginning. IMHOF clocks has been one of the best of its kind and mostly produced high quality 8 day travel clocks. I am not certain when the company stopped making clocks, but possibly late 1970s. This clock most likely was produced in early 1930s. The brown leather case in the shape of a triangle. The case is 80mm high and 76mm wide, the base is 70mm deep. The part that holds the clock swivels round to reveal a picture of a porch and front door. The bezel of the clock is 47mm square without the winding crown. The dial is gilt in colour with a copper colour minute ring. The IMHOF is under the 12 and 8 Days above the 6. It has black skeleton numbers which have been painted green; some of the green has come off some of the numbers.  The hands are blued steel with green luminious inserts. The movement has Geneva stripes and anchor escapement with 15 jewels. This clock has a very unique alarm setting. The alarm hand is moved to the time you want to go off by pushing the button that is in the centre of the crown. The clock is serviced in July, 2010.