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Richard Whitfield of New Castle 1822

Outer case
Hallmarks 1

The watch has a stop mechanism and a watch with such a mechanism is called as a"stop watch" or "doctor's watch". Watches had this special feature used by doctors or mariners in the late 18th and 19th centuries.The large subsidiary seconds and numerals indicate this stop feature as well. Richard Whitfield of New Castle has not been listed neither by Loomes nor by Britten. In Britten two Whitfields are listed, one of them worked in London in 1740s; and Loomes listed ten watch makers with this surname, most of whom florished in London and Liverpool areas. I suppose Richard Whitfield is an unlisted relative and colleague worked in New Castle, to those watch makers listed by Britten and Loomes. But on the antique horology.org when searched maker I found R. T Whitfield of Tanfield who worked in the 18th century, this maker may be a possible maker beacuse Tanfield is a village 12km near to Newcastle. This watch is a typical of early 19th century verge fusees. Pair case in silver, hallmarked Birmingham 1822 with maker's initials J. H. likely James Heales of Birmingham. The movement has an elaborate balance cock with floral design and run by a verge escapement. The dial has bold roman numerals and arabic seconds numerals that dates it to 1820s as well. The watch paper of William Harris of Paisley (Scotland) who repaired this watch indicates that the watch once belonged to Mr. White. The paper has the date for 5th of May 1875 .William Harris has been listed by Loomes as a watchmaker of Paisley in 1860. On the reverse of the watch paper: Notice for Mr. White from W. Harris, that he repaired his watch on May, 5th, 1867.


Bu saat mekanizmayı durduran bir kola sahiptir. Saat bu kolun sağa doğru çevrilmesiyle istendiğinde durdurulabilir. Bu tür saatler 18. ve 19.yüzyıllarda doktorlar ve denizciler tarafından kullanılmıştır. Richard Whitfield hakkında bilgiye yeteri kadar erişilemeyen bir saat yapımcısıdır. Ancak antique horology.org adlı sitede yapılan arama sonucunda R. T. Whitfield adında Tanfield'te çalışmış bir saat ustasının adına rastlanmıştır. Tanfield Newcastle kentinin 12km yakınlarında yer alan küçük bir yerleşmedir ki bu saat ustası Newcastle kentine daha sonra giderek atölyesini buraya taşımış olabilir ya da müşterilerine küçük bir yerleşme yerine büyük bir kentte çalışan ünlü bir usta olduğu intibaını vermek amacıyla Newcastle kentini adres olarak kullanmıştır. Saat verge eşapmalı, fusee ve zincir mekanizmalı bir saattir. Balans horozu nitelikli bir işçilikle floral dekorasyona sahiptir. Kadran kalın romen rakamlı saat başlarına ve saniye ise arap rakamlarına sahiptir. Kasası çift kasadır ve Birmingham 1822 0,925 ayar gümüş damgalarına sahiptir. Kasa yapımcısı ise J.H inisiyalleri Birminghamlı James Heales'i göstermektedir. Saatçi kağıdı18. yüzyıldan itibaren saat ustaları yaptıkları ya da tamir ettikleri saatlerin kasalarına kartvizit özelliğine sahip matbu kağıtlar koyarlardı. Bu kağıtlarda ustanın adının, adresinin yanı sıra tamir tarihi, tamir ücreti, saatin sahibinin adı yer alırdı. Saatçi kağıdının arkasında, Mr. White, ki bu saatin 19.yüzyıldaki sahibidir, ve 5 Mayıs 1867'detamir edildiği yazılıdır.


Robert Simpson of Poulton-le-Fylde 1834


Dial closeup
Dust cap

Caseback inside
sound of the watch


This pocket watch has been made by Robert Simpson of Poulton-le-Fylde who was active between 1822-1848. He is listed in Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World  by Brian Loomes. The pocket watch has an enamel dial with Roman numerals and Arabic seconds dial. It has Breguet/Moon hands typical to 1800-1850 period.  The movement has an floral engraved balance cock and engraved Patent on the lower end. Balance cock jewelled with a diamond end-stone. This is a typical early 19 th century feature. A typical chain and fusee driven movement is the characteristic to the English watch making . The other period indicator is the Massey III escapement . The watch has a stop mechanism which is known as Doctor's watch. It has numbered 829, a  low serial shows an early work of the maker. The watch case is made of 0,925 silver and in the open face style. It has been stamped with Chester hallmark (wheat sheaves) and the leopard head without crown, Q for 1834 and C J monogram possibly for Christopher James who is listed in Watch Case Makers of England 1720-1920 by Philip T. Priestley and this case maker worked in 15 Highfield Street Liverpool. All hinges are made of gold. The watch measures 5.3cm in diameter. Over all R. Simpson pocket watch is a typical example of 1800-1850 period watches with fully orginial parts. Richard Thornton engraving, carved as Rich.'d Thornton on the wider end of the balance cock on a very narrow and difficult to see area. This, most probably is the name of the first owner of the watch. But it is unusual to find the owner's name in such a narrow and almost invisible part of the watch, usually names of the owners engraved on the upper plate. This is a very rare example.


İngiliz saatlerinin evrimi içinde 19. yüzyıl sanayi devrimine paralel olarak hızlı bir değişimin yaşandığı bir yüzyıldır. Bu dönemde saatlerin boyutlarının küçülmesinin yanı sıra verge eşapmanından başka eşapmanlar icat edilir ve daha dakik saatler yapılmaya başlanır. Bu sayfada yer alan saat İngiliz saat yapımcısı Robert Simpson'ın imzasını taşır. R. Simpson Poulton-le-Fylde'da 1822-1848 yılları arasında çalışmış bir ustadır. Brian Loomes'un "Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World" adlı ünlü kitabının 214.sayfasında R. Simpson'un etkinlik yaptığı yer ve yıllar listelenmiştir. Saat 5.3 cm çapında ve gümüş kasalıdır. Kadranı Romen rakamlı, saniye göstergelidir. Akrep ve yelkovan uç kısmına doğru daire motifi bulunan ve Breguet ya da Moon adını alan bir süsleme stilindedir. Gümüş kasa üzerinde Chester gümüş döküm izin dairesinin arması, imalatçı monogramı  C J ve Q tarih tarfi yer alır. C J monogramı Philip T. Priestley'in "Watch Case Makers of England 1720-1920" adlı eserinde yer alan imalatçı listesinde yer alan  Christopher Jones!a aittir. Q tarih harfi ise 1834 yılını gösterir. Mekanizma altın kaplama pirinçtendir. Balans horozu üzerinde floral bezemeler ve Patent ibaresi vardır ki eşapmanın patentinin mucidinden alındığını gösterir. Balans horozu elmas bir taşla sonlanır. Saatin mekanizması zincir ve fusee mekanizmasıdır ve Massey III eşapmanına sahiptir.  Saniye milini durdurarak saatin çalışmasına ara veren bir düzenek mekanizma üzerinde yer almaktadır ki bu tür saatler doktorlar ve denizciler tarafından kullanıldığı için Doktor Saati adıyla anılır. Richard Thornton yazısı, balans horozunun baş kısmında oldukça ince ve görülmesi güç bir satha kazınmış. Bu isim saatin ilk sahibi olmalıdır.


John Wallace  of Belfast 1844

Case profile
Dust cap
Caseback inside
sound of the watch

John Wallace  of Belfast has been listed in B. Loomes' Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, at page 244. He worked between 1819-66 in Belfast and has been the partner of Edward Gibben until 1820s. The watch is an open face or consular style pocket watch. The silver case bears the halmarks of London 1844 and R S initals of Ralph Samuel of Liverpool and Clerkenwell who worked from 1843. And the pendant signed by I H  as John William Hammon of Clerkenwell who worked from 1822. The dial is of cream color enamel with roman numerals and sub seconds dial of arabic numerals which show 15 30 45 60 chapters were in vogue between 1810s to 1850s.  The movement is gilt brass. Large balance cock has been engraved with floral motifs and jewelled with  garnet endstone. A large three armed balance wheel is original and of the period. The watch has blued steel bosley regulator. The movement has an English lever escapement with  approx. 7-9 jewels.


John Wallace, Brian Loomes'un Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World adlı kitabının 244.sayfasında 1819-1866 yıllarında Belfast'ta çalışmış, 1820'lere kadar Edward Gribben ile ortaklık yapmış bir saat ustası olarak zikredilmektedir. Saat 1844 yılına ya da bir kaç yıl daha önceye aittir. Gümüş kasası açık yüzlü denilen stildedir. Arka kapak ve ön çerçeve kenarındaki dil vasıtasıyla açılır. Arka kapakta balıksırtı motifinden oluşan bir dekorasyonun ortasında boş ve sade bir daire motifi yer alır. İç kapaklarda yer alan gümüş damgaları Londra, 1844 yılını ve R S inisiyalleri ise kasayı yapan gümüş ustası Ralph Samuel'e aittir. R. Samuel 6 Ocak 1843'ten itibaren a) 54 Wood Street Liverpool b) 55 Compton Street Clerkenwell Londra adreslerinde atölyeleri olan önemli bir gümüş ve altın saat kasası imalatçısıdır. Tacında yer alan I H inisiyalleri ise John William Hammon'a aittir; J. Hammon da 26 Temmuz 1822'den itibaren Clerkenwell'de çalışmıştır.Saat krem rengi mine kadrana sahiptir. Kadran üzerinde saat başları romen rakamlı, saniye yuvarlağı ise arap rakamlıdır. Saniye üzerinde yer alan 15 30 45 60 durakları 10 20 30 40 50 60 duraklı klasik saniye bölümlemesinden farklıdır ki bu 19.yüzyılın ilk 50 yılı içinde seyrek de olsa rastlanan bir eğilimdir ve 1850'lerden itibaren bu kullanım terk edilmiştir. Mekanizma altın kaplama pirinçtendir. Balans horozu 19.yüzyılın ilk yarısındaki geniş ve süslü balans horozu tipindedir ve üzerinde çiçekler ve yapraklardan oluşan dekorasyon vardır. Balans horozu lal taşıyla taşlanmıştır. Balans çarkı üç kollu ve geniştir. Eşapmanı ise çapa eşpamandan ilham alınarak yapılan English Lever denilen İngiliz kaldıraç eşapmanıdır ve 7 ila 9 taşlı bir mekanizmadır. Mekanizmanın durdurma foksiyonu vardır ve bu özelliğiyle doktor ya da denizci mesleklerinden birine mensup bir kişiye ait olmalıdır.


Ryley and Son of Coventry 1840s

Caseback inside
sound of the watch

Ryley and Son of Coventry has been listed as watchmakers in Brian Loomes, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, 1976: 204. The watch is in 4.5 cm in diameter excluding the crown. The case is silver with Birmingham and J H hallmarks. Date letter is badly worn so it is illegible. J H case maker's monogram   is either of James Heales of Spon Str. Coventry or Joseph Harris of The Butts, Coventry, according to P. Priestley Watch Case Makers of England, 1994: 166. The movement is 3/4 plate , fusee and chain with Massey type III escapenent. Upper plate has been engraved with makers name as Ryley and Son of Coventry and numbered 4061. Eventhough the date letter is worn, style of the movement and Massey III escapement help to date the watch 1840s. Balance cock is jewelled with a diamond endstone. This watch is an indication British makers were able to manufacture watches in smaller size by the mid 19th century.


Coventryli Ryley and Son (Ryley ve Oğlu), Brian Loomes, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, 1976: 204'de saat yapımcıları olarak zikredilmektedir. Saat tacı hariç 4.5cm çapındadır. Kasası 0,925 ayar gümüştür ve Birmingham damgası ile yapımcının inisiyalleri olan J H monogramı yer alır, ancak tarih harfi silinmiştir. P. Priestley, Watch Case Makers of England, 1994: 166 'da J H monogramını kullanan iki gümüş ustası zikredilir, Coventry Spon Street'te çalışmış olan James Heales ve Coventry The Butts'da çalışmış olan Joseph Harris. Saatin mekanizması 3/4 baskılı fusee ve zincir mekanizmalı, Massey III eşapmanlıdır. Balans horozunun üzerinde elmas taş yer alır. Saat yapımcının adı ile 4061 numarasına sahiptir. Tarih harfinin silinmiş olmasına karşın mekanizma tipi ve Massey III eşapmanı saatin 1840'larda imal edildiğini gösterir. Saatin ölçüleri 19.yüzyıl ortalarına doğru İngiliz yapımcıların küçük boyutlu saatler yapmaya başladıklarını açıklamaktadır.


S. Lanyon of Folkstone

Dust cap
Caseback inside

English pocket watch made or retailed by S. Lanyon of Folkstone. I found no information about the maker neither in Loomes nor in any other horological sources. The watch is housed in a silver open face case. The hase bears London hallmark, and date letter for 1879. Case maker's initials are  J W . There are two possible silver case makers for the case. Joseph Walton of 7 Upper Charles Street Clerkenwell who worked from 1867 to 1915; and James Woodman of 33 Smith Street, Northampton Square who worked from 1876 (1).  It has white enamel dial with roman hour chapter ring and arabic sunken subseconds. The movement is gilt brass with engraved balance cock which has a ruby endstone. The balance wheel is gold. The movement has an English lever escapement, typical to Victorian period.

1.Brian Loomes, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, NAWCC, Columbia, 1994: 127.


James Garner of Liverpool 1835

sound of the watch

Massey type III fusee lever escapement, silver cased  pocket watch by James Garner of Liverpool. It is a stop watch with diamond endstone.Movement : Massey type III lever escapement. Liverpool and maker's inscription. Bigger balance wheel and balance cock is typical in the early period of 19th century (1800-1850). Case: Chester essay office mark, TC initials look to be for Thomas Cubbin (or Cumming) of Liverpool. Examples from 1837/55, 1848/60. James Garner was recorded at 1 Rose Street, Liverpool in 1834 by Loomes and the watch is hallmarked 1835/6.Out of interest, this maker does not appear in the Liverpool directories for 1766, 1824, 1825, 1829, 1837, 1853, 1856 or 1895 which is very surprising and would seem to indicate that this maker/retailer was only working there a few years. There is no record of his apprenticeship, or him taking on any apprentices. The information about the maker has been taken from Tony Harrison-Smith of www.clocksandwatches.com, by paying the inquiry about the maker.



James Garner tarafından Liverpool'da yapılmış olan bu cep saatinin balans çarkı üzerinde elmas taş yer alır ve saat özel bir kaldıraç sayesinde istenildiği zaman durdurulup yeniden çalıştırılabilir ki tür saatler doktor ve denizciler tarafından kullanılmıştır. Saat Massey III eşapmanına sahiptir. James Garner'ın, Brian Loomes'un Lancashire Clocks and Clockmakers adlı kitabında Liverpool'da 1 Rose Street'da 1834 yılında çalıştığı dışında başka bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Saatin mekanizma özellikleri ve kasasının 1835 tarihi Loomes'un kaydıyla örtüşmektedir. İmalatçı hakkındaki bilgi T. Harrison-Smith'in http://www.clocksandwatches.com adlı sitesinden araştırma ücreti mukabilinde alınmıştır. Kasa: Damgalar arasında yer alan leopar başının taçsız oluşu saati ve kasayı kesin olarak 1835 yılına tarihlememizi sağlıyor. Kasanın imalatçısı Liverpoollu Thomas Cubbin ya da Thomas Cumming olabilir. Cubbin'in yaptığı kasa örnekleri 1837-55 Cumming'in yaptığı kasa örnekleri 1848-60 yıllarına kabaca tarihlendirildiğine göre TC inisiyalleri bence Thomas Cubbin'e ait olmalıdır



John Duncan of Killileagh1826

Dust cap
Caseback inside

Caseback inside
Case edge
Watch maker paper

John Duncan of Killileagh is listed by Brian Loomes in Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World at page 66 as worked between 1820-30 in Killileagh, today a small town in the Irish Republic. An open face silver cased pocket watch has British silver hallmarks of Birmingham, Gothic letter C for 1826 and maker's mark as J. W for John Wells an English silver case maker who entered the guild in November the 7th 1821 and worked in Spon End, Coventry, according to Phil Priestley's Watch Case Makers of England , page number 167. On the pendant is hallmarked as W R is untracable for the time being. The pocket watch is housed in an open face case with gold hinges. The watch movement is a brass gilt fullplate with Massey III escapement. It is engraved with maker's name J. Duncan of Killileagh number 50.   Its serial numbers are 2879 which is repeated in its case. The movement has a stop-start lever indicating that the watch once was used by a doctor or a mariner. The balance cock is vacant rather than engraved and jewelled with a diamond endstone. The third and fourth wheels are jewelled in Liverpool window style as well. The enamel dial is off white with roman chapter ring and arabic subsidiary seconds dial. The pocket watch has come with a watch maker paper which is incidating that this watch maker at least once repaired it in the past. The paper bears the name of Walton Crawford of Pickering. Pickering is a town in the North Yorkshire. This watch maker paper likely belongs to mid to late 19th century.


John Duncan (Killileagh'li) Brian Loomes'un Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World adlı kitabının 66.sayfasında yaklaşık 1820-1830 yıllarında çalışmış ya da bu yıllar arasında yapılmış olan saatleri yazar tarafından görülmüş bir saat ustası olduğu bilgisi yer almaktadır. John Duncan'ın çalıştığı yer bugün İrlanda Cumhuriyeti'nde yer alan küçük bir yerleşme olan Killileagh'dir. Saat gümüş kasalıdır ve menteşeleri 10k altındır. İngiliz gümüş damgalarına bakacak olursak Birmingham, 1826 tarih harfi Gotik C'dir ve imalatçı ise J.W inisiyallerinden bu yapımcının John Wells olduğu anlaşılır, John Wells gümüş kasa yapımcıları loncasına 7 Kasım 1821 tarihinde girmiştir ve Coventry şehrinde Spon End'de çalışmıştır. Bu bilgiye Philip Priestley'in kaynak kitabı Watch Case Makers of England'ın 167. sayfasında ulaşıyoruz. Saatin tacında yer ala W R inisiyalleri ise tacın bir başka yapımcı tarafından yapıldığını göstermekle beraber bu imalatçının kimliği henüz bilinmezliğini korumaktadır. Saatin mekanizması pirinç üzerine altın kaplamadır, balans horozu sadedir, burada elmas bir taş yer alır. Eşapman sistemi Massey III eşapmanıdır, bu eşapman Edward Massey tarafından bulunan ve 5 tip olarak geliştirilen eşapmanların III. tipine girer. 1810'lardan 1850'lere kadar İngiliz saat yapımcıları tarafından sevilerek kullanılmıştır. Saatin bir de istenildiğinde durdurulma özelliği vardır ki bu işlev küçük bir tırnak ile sağlanır, bu da saatin bir doktor ya da denizci tarafından kullanılmak üzere imal edildiğini gösterir. Kadran beyaz mine üzerine saat başları romen saniye arap rakamlarından olusacak biçimde elde boyanarak yapılmıştır.



George Paterson of London 1800s

New movement

George Paterson of London a watch maker of the early 19th century worked in London and listed by B. Loomes in Watchmakers and Clock Makers of the World  at the page 181 as George Patterson and this could be a misspelling caused by the engraver(s) carved the name of the master on the movement plate. This sort of misspelling happened frequently in the past. The watch has been cased into a silver plated brass case lost its silver plate. The case is original to the movement, because serial numbers on the movement repeated in the case. The enamel dial has one ring of minute and one ring of hour , the first is in the arabic numerals the latter is roman. The movement is a verge fusee type with a tompion regulator, highly engraved balance cock with a Chronos head is followed with the plate 3/4 engraved with floral patterns  is an indicator of a watch made before 1830s. The case most of which the brass showing condition, the interiors of the lids still keep the original silver plate and H S A and A J in Gothic script-has to be studied-as wel as the serial numbers. George Paterson movement has been replaced with a movement of the early 19th century, beacuse most of the wheels were badly worn



George Paterson Londra'da çalışmış bir saat ustasıdır. Brian Loomes Watchmakers and Clock Makers of the World adlı kitabının 181. sayfasında Paterson'un 1828-39 tarihleri arasında çalıştığını saptar. Bu tarih aralağı Loomes'un gördüğü saatlere ya da belgelere göre saptadığı değişken bir tarihtir, Paterson bu tarihlerden önce ve sonra da çalışmıştır büyük olasılıkla. Ayrıca George Paterson'un soyadı Loomes'un kitabında Patterson olarak zikredilir. Bu durum saat ustalarının isimlerini mekanizmaya kazıyan hakkakların yaptıkları yazım hatalarından kaynaklanmaktadır ve bu duruma pek çok örnek vardır. Saat pirinç üzerine gümüş kaplamadır, mine kadran dakika başları arap rakamlı ve saat başları Romen rakamlı olarak tasarlanmıştır. Mekanizma verge fusee sistemlidir ve tompion regulatörlüdür. Balans horozunun yanı sıra alt baskı levhasının büyük bir kısmı floral bezemelerle süslenmiştir. 1820'den daha geç tarihli saatlerde bu bezemeler balans horozuyla sınırlandırılmıştır. Pirinç kasa üzerinde mekanizmada yer alan seri numaralarının yanı sıra H S A monogramı ve Gotik harflerle yazılı A J monogramı yer alır ve bun monogramların ne anlama geldiği araştırılması gereken bir konudur. Saatin mekanizması tamir olamayack şekilde bozulduğu için 19.yüzyıl başına ait bir başka mekanizmayla değiştirilmiştir.



Zenith Silver Hunter Case Pocket Watch 1920s

Face closed
Face & Dial
Winding crown

The firm Zenith was found by Georges Favre Jacot (1843-1917) in Le Locle, Switzerland, in 1865. The first trade mark of the company was Billodes due to the fact that the factory was located around Rue des Billodes in Le Locle. The company changed its name to Zenith in 1906. One evening, Georges Favre-Jacot perfected a movement which he considered almost perfection. He went out into the silver night and lifted his eyes towards the heavenly sky. And the cosmos spoke to him. He saw a gigantic constellation turning around the Pole star, similar in its complexity to the movements of the pivots and the wheels on their axes. He decided then to call his new movement, and its Manufacture, after the word that designates the highest point in the universe, ZENITH. He adopted the star as a symbol, a shining good luck charm, a celestial guide towards a promising destiny. Zenith watch company is operating today, manufactures  best quality watches. The company awarded with several medals in the Swiss National Fair in 1896 in Geneva, Grand Prix in 1900 at the World Fair in Paris, on January 1, 1909, a Zenith watch sets a new precision record at the Neuenburg observatory with 22.8 points, Gold Medal in 1906 Milan etc. The hunter case pocket watch in my collection has a silver case. The front case has been replaced with another dated to 1913, but the rest of the case is original. Enamel dial has an arabic hour chapter and arabic sunken seconds. Seconds indicator and hands are in Breguet style & blued silver. The movement is gilt brass, 15 jewels, ancre escapement and has compansated balance wheel with a Zenith patented micrometric regulator. The calibre of the movement is 18.28 which was first manufactured in the turn of the 20th century and has been one of Zenith's well-known and well made legendary calibres.


John Callcott (II) of Cotton 1839

Caseback inside

John Callcott (II) of Cotton, 1839. Movement: Massey I type lever escapement and fusee and chain movement. Case: Hallmarked for Birmingham, 1839. The case maker is likely to be Vale and Rotherham: The firm of Rotherham & Sons, based in Coventry (Warwickshire, U.K.), originated in 1822 when John Rotheram (note spelling) joined the 75-year-old firm of Vale & Co. as partner. By the 1880s Rotherhams were operating on a very large scale by British standards, with over 500 employees active in the production of both movements and cases. The firm maintained some kind of existence until as recently as 1973, but most of their surviving products seem to date from between about 1860 and 1914. About John Callcott: Calcott or Callcott, John (1) of Cotton, nr Wem. This clock and watchmaker was born at Edaston on 25 April 1753, son of Arthur & Jane. His Uncle was Richard Calcott a clockmaker in Cotton. John might well have worked with his uncle for a while. John married in Wem in 1776 to Sarah Bradley. They had a son John who was baptised in 1777. In 1800 there was an advert for a lost watch that was signed John Callcott and numbered 2594. In 1813 and 1817 he advertised for further lost watches numbered 2842 & 2525 respectively.In June 1803, John (1) & (2) took on an apprentice, John Hussey for 7 years for which they were paid £15-15-0. John (1) died in 1830.John Callcott 2, this clock and watchmaker, son of John (1) was baptised at Edstaston in September 1777. In 1801 John (2) married Anne Batho at Wem and in 1802 they had a daughter Mary. In the 1851 census, he was still trading as a clock and watchmaker. John died in February 1853 aged 75 and was buried at Edstaston. The information about the maker has been taken from Tony Harrison-Smith of www.clocksandwatches.com, by paying the inquiry about the maker.



Cotton'lı John Callcott tarafından imal edilmiş fusee mekanizmalı cep saati. Massey I rakkas takımı ve fusee ve zincirli mekanizmaya sahiptir. Kasası gümüştür, Birmingham gümüş döküm ofisi damgası ve imalatçı Vale & Rotherham olarak VR inisiyalleriyle 1839 tarihi harfine sahiptir


Adam Burdess of Coventry 1889

Dust cap
Case back

Adam Burdess of Coventry is a well listed & important maker of quality English watches in Coventry from 1860. Dr. Robert Kemp, in his book, 'The Fusee Lever Watch' states that " watches signed on the top plate by their actual Coventry makers are relatively rare." Adam Burdess also holds several important patents in watchmaking, such as one of the first keyless pocket watch movements. Case maker's initials are AJW for Arthur James Walker who was one of the two sons of famous Coventry case maker James Walker. A. J. Walker worked from 1882 at Earlsdon Street, Earlsdon, Coventry. The case hallmarked London and 1889, and has golden hinges. The movement is a typical Victorian style English lever escapement, fusee with a breguet style bimetallic hair spring and gold pinned balance wheel.


Brian Loomes, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, NAWCC, Columbia, 1994:35

Philip T. Priestley, Watch Case Makers of England, NAWCC, Columbia, 1994: 59, 93.



Adam Burdess ünlü bir İngiliz saat yapımcısıdır. Coventry'de 1860 yılından 1920'li yıllara dek kendi atölyesinde yüksek kaliteli saatler üretmiş, birkaç yeni buluşun patentini de almıştır. Bu buluşlar arasında anahtar kullanmadan bir manivela yardımıyla kurulan saat mekanizması da yer alır. Saat gümüş kasalıdır. Kasa AJW inisiyallerini taşımaktadır. AJW inisiyalleri kasayı yapan Arthur James Walker'a aittir. A. J. Walker Earlsdon Street, Earlsdon, Coventry 'de 1882 tarihinden itibaren çalışmıştır. Ünlü Coventryli saat kasası imalatçısı James Walker'ın iki oğlundan biridir. Saatin mekanizması İngiliz çapa eşapmanlıdır ve balans çarkı altın ayar vidalarına sahiptir. Kadran beyaz mine üzerine klasik romen rakalı saat başlarına ve çukur saniye kadranına sahiptir.

Kaynaklar:Brian Loomes, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, NAWCC, Columbia, 1976:35

Philip T. Priestley, Watch Case Makers of England, NAWCC, Columbia, 1994: 59, 93.


F. J. Wigmore of Painswick 1867

Dial open
Winding holes
Savage2 pinescapement

F. J. Wigmore of Painswick is not a listed maker. A silver cased English pocket watch. Case: open face, silver. Hallmarks are for Chester, 1867 and S.Q. maker's initials. S.Q are the initials of Samuel Quilliam of Liverpool. He entered the lodge in 1829 and worked in 4 Renshaw Street, Liverpool till 1870(1). The case has engine turning decoration and shield and garter motifs. Shield cartouche is vacant. It has a coinedge. The dial is enamel and hour markers are in roman numerals, it has a sunken subseconds dial with arabic numerals. Movement: 3/4 plate SAVAGE TWO PIN  escapement. It has a gold balance wheel, three gold pins and engraved balance cock is jewelled with a ruby endstone. This a typical mid 19th century English pocket watch.

Savage two pin escapement: An early form of lever escapement, designed by George Savage of Huddersfield, Yorks., in which the impulse pin is replaced by two pins engaging a wide lever notch. This allows the pins, which only perform an unlocking function, to roll in the lever notch, thus reducing friction. Impulse is given to the balance through the guard pin working in a square notch in the roller. (Reference: CLOCK DICTIONARY).

George SAVAGE: "A watchmaker who in the early part of last century (19th century), did much to perfect the lever escapement, besides inventing the two-pin variety; he lived at Huddersfield, where in 1808 he patented a remontoire; afterwards at 5 St. James St., Clerkenwell; in 1822 he received the large Silver Medal from the Society of Arts for a detached escapement for watches, which was a combination of the lever and a chronometere; he in his old age emigrated to Canada, and founded flourishing retail business in Montreal, where died" (2). 


1.Brian Loomes, Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World, NAWCC, Columbia, 1994:184.

2. G.H. Baillie, C. Clutton, C.A. Ilbert, Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers, Bonanza Books, New York, 1956:468



Omega Hunter Case Pocket Watch, Calibre 19''' , 1903




Front case
Dial 1
Dial 2
Silver hallmarks1
Silver hallmarks 2
Previous owner's name
Dust cap
Back case

Omega is one of the world's most well-known watch manufacturers. The company was found by Louis Brandt in La Chaux-de-Fonds in Switzerland, in 1848. Detailed information can be found in the official page of the company please click HERE to see. This particular pocket watch by Omaga, is a 0,800 silver hunter case pocket watch. The white enamel dial has the name of dealer and address: Hugo Pischlow, Stettin. The dial has arabic hour markers and sunken subseconds dial. The hands are highly elaborate in Rococo style. The front cover has once adorned with engine turned motifs but worn by wear, and a floral cartouche. The high grade calibre 19''' , grade B movement has gilt plates, has 17 jewels, four visible jewels are placed in gold chatons. It has an anchor lever ecapement and screwed balance wheel. The calibre 19''' occupies a very special place in OMEGA’s history. The renowned 19''' calibre (''' = lines; 19''' = 43 mm diameter) was characterised by the perfection of its design by François Chevillat, the ingenuity of certain mechanisms, such as time-setting using the winding stem and by its relatively modest price. It was manufactured using methods that were revolutionary at the time: mechanised or industrial-scale production and "divided" assembly whose production line was based on the complete interchangeability of each component in the movement, a system adopted progressively by the entire Swiss watch IndustryΩ.It is evident that this pocket watch once was commissioned by the dealer for Omega factory in the late 19th century, or in the turn of the 20th century. The case bears Swiss 0,800 silver hallmarks, German silver hallmarks, Omega emblem and inscription and Gurzelen inscription placed in a circular garland with a star in the middle. Gurzelen is the name of the patent the Omega Company had in 1885. Each cover has been stamped with these emblems and hallmarks and serial numbers. On the dust cap there is an hand made inscription which reads "Thiele Rackitt Pom". This is possibly the surname of the previous owner and the town he lived (Rackitt). With these features the pocket watch has become a minor historical piece of time. Stettin (today Szczecin, in Western Pomerenia, Poland) until the end of WWII was one of the Baltic port cities of German Reich. And Rackitt (Rokita) near Stettin is a small settlement. In those areas once lived a big German population until the end of the WWII, therefore it is evident that this pocket watch which was sold by a German dealer to a German guy who lived a nearby area in the late 19th century, still keeping time. Omega did not use its "omega" logo on the movements until 1903, which it helps to date of manufacture of the pocket watch. Meanwhile it is common to see Ω emblem on the balance cock.